Precision, savings in assembly times and greater efficiency are some of the attributes of this system already known by many customers, baptized by us as Ready2press, which is now part of our product line, with reduced delivery times and without you having to assume import costs, since it is produced entirely in Barcelona.
Client Testimonials
Some of our clients have already started using the Ready2press system.
Very good system, reliable, we are going to consider using it in future repetitive jobs since it would save us a lot of time in production.
Perfect operation, above all, as it is custom made, you can configure it specifically for each job.
Request information or quote now
Hermans. (Rotterdam)
Mandenmakerstraat 70
3194 DG Hoogvliet / Rotterdam
The Netherlands
info@ hermans.biz
T: +31 (0) 10 412 94 47
F: +31 (0) 10 413 64 70

Hermans. (Barcelona)
Calle Telemática 13
08110 – Montcada i Reixac
Barcelona – España
info@ hermans.es
T. +34 937 648 307
M: +34 618 145 055