Counterforces / male
Counterforces for all types of use and machine.
The counter-mold (male) is the tool used to generate reverse force in relief engravings; they can be produced in different types of materials depending on the sector, type of machine or type of support.

Fiberglass + epoxy counterforce.
Being produced with a fiberglass base that can vary in 3 different types of thicknesses (0.5 – 0.7 and 1.2 mm.). This allows the male the necessary flexibility or firmness depending on the type of relief or support. The epoxy used to shape the counter-mold is resistant to high temperatures and its durability allows it to be reused in several runs.

Polymer counterforce.
The polymer engravings that are used as counter-molds have excellent flexibility and adapt very well to flat-cylindrical machines. Its only limitation is the size of the detail, since for very small details it does not generate very good definition compared to an epoxy counter-mold.

Magnesium or brass counterforce,
Whether in brass or magnesium, these types of countermolds are used to produce reliefs on highly resistant materials, such as leather work (thermo-engraving on leather) and plastic (for membrane keyboards).
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Hermans. (Rotterdam)
Mandenmakerstraat 70
3194 DG Hoogvliet / Rotterdam
The Netherlands
T: +31 (0) 10 412 94 47
F: +31 (0) 10 413 64 70

Hermans. (Barcelona)
Calle Telemática 13
08110 – Montcada i Reixac
Barcelona – España
T. +34 937 648 307
M: +34 618 145 055